My favorite part of this work is the reward the animals give by communicating and responding. They are so sensitive and expressive.  I love seeing how the work benefits them in so very many different ways.

I look forward to every time I am able to work with them!

About Debra Parker, E.S.M.T.

They are ​Pure as Love!

I am a certified Equissage Equine Sports Massage Therapist (E.S.M.T) (Equissage since 2015) and certified Craniosacral practitioner -both recognized by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as well as certified in Usui Reiki I. 

Utilizing my past experience as a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP since 2005) I have been able to transfer those skills to my equine clients. 

I have loved horses since I was age three (or maybe before I was born!).  While travel and career kept me from riding as much as I would have liked, I was able to spend some time in my twenties riding Dressage and later was able to spend time at a rescue ranch helping to rehabilitate the horses.